Creates a new instance of the CobShell class.
Format 1
CobShell (Script-Name)
Syntax rules
Script-Name is a alphanumeric data item or string literal.
General rules
Script-Name should point to a disk file. Relative paths are resolved according to the JVM working directory.
Code example
       configuration section.
           class cobshell as "com.iscobol.cobshell.CobShell"
       working-storage section.
       77  joe object reference cobshell.
       procedure division.
              set joe  to cobshell:>new ("validator.joe")
           catch exception
              display exception-object
Format 2
CobShell (Script-Name, Arguments)
Syntax rules
Script-Name is a alphanumeric data item or string literal.
Arguments is a variable number of java.lang.Object instances. COBOL data items and literals can be used as well.
General rules
Script-Name should point to a disk file. Relative paths are resolved according to the JVM working directory.
Arguments are the values that you would pass if you run the script on the command-line.
Code example
       configuration section.
           class cobshell as "com.iscobol.cobshell.CobShell"
       working-storage section.
       77  joe object reference cobshell.
       procedure division.
              set joe  to cobshell:>new ("script1.joe", 1, "XYZ")
           catch exception
              display exception-object