Parses an EFD file and returns information about a specific condition.
General format
efd-condition-description efdCondInfo ( efd-name, cond-index)
Syntax rules
1. efd-name is an alphanumeric data-item or string literal.
2. cond-index must be defined as PIC X(2) COMP-X.
3. efd-condition-description is a structure defined as follows.:
01  efd-condition-description.
    03  efd-condition-type                       pic x comp-x.
        88  efd-equal-condition                  value 1.
        88  efd-and-condition                    value 2.
        88  efd-other-condition                  value 3.
        88  efd-gt-condition                     value 4.
        88  efd-ge-condition                     value 5.
        88  efd-lt-condition                     value 6.
        88  efd-le-condition                     value 7.
        88  efd-ne-condition                     value 8.
        88  efd-or-condition                     value 9.
        88  efd-comparison-condition             values 14 through 8.
    03  efd-condition-flag                       pic x.
        88  efd-true-condition                   value 'y' false 'n'.
    03  efd-other-conditions.
        05  efd-other-fieldnum                   pic xx comp-x.
        05  efd-other-fieldname                  pic x(30).
        05  efd-other-field-val                  pic x(50).
        05  efd-other-field-nums                 redefines efd-other-field-val.
            07  efd-cond-val-1                   pic s9(18).
            07  efd-cond-val-2                   pic s9(18).
    03  efd-and-conditions                       redefines efd-other-conditions.
        05  efd-condition-1                      pic xx comp-x.
        05  efd-condition-2                      pic xx comp-x.
    03  efd-condition-tablename                  pic x(30).
General rules
1. cond-index must be greater than zero and specifies the ordinal position of the condition in the EFD file.
Code example
configuration section.
    class efdParser  as "com.iscobol.lib.efdParser"
working-storage section.
copy "efdParser.def"
77 efd-parser object reference efdParser.
77 cond-idx   pic xx comp-x.
77 buf-type   pic x(2).
procedure division.
move 1 to cond-idx.
set efd-condition-description to efd-parser:>efdCondInfo("fd1.xml"