Parses an EFD file and returns information about a specific field. Only fields that are not marked as "hidden" are returned.
General format
efd-field-description efdFieldInfo ( efd-name, field-index)
Syntax rules
1. efd-name is an alphanumeric data-item or string literal.
2. field-index is a numeric data-item or numeric literal.
3. efd-field-description is a structure defined as follows.:
01  efd-field-description.
    03  efd-field-offset                         pic x(4comp-x.
    03  efd-field-length                         pic x(4comp-x.
    03  efd-field-type                           pic x comp-x.
        88  efd-signed-field                     values efd-NumSignSep
        88  efd-numeric-field                    values efd-NumEdited thru efd-NativeUnsigned.
        88  efd-float-field                      value  efd-Flt.
        88  efd-ascii-field                      values efd-Alphanum  thru efd-Group.
        88  efd-national-field                   values efd-Nat-type  thru efd-NatEdited.
        88  efd-wide-field                       values efd-Wide-type thru efd-WideEdited.
    03  efd-field-digits                         pic x(4comp-x.
    03  efd-field-scale                          pic s99 comp-4.
    03  efd-field-user-type                      pic xx comp-x.
    03  efd-field-condition                      pic xx comp-x.
    03  efd-field-level                          pic x comp-x.
    03  efd-field-name                           pic x(30).
    03  efd-field-occurs-depth                   pic x comp-x.
    03  efd-field-occurs-table                   occurs efdMaxNumKeyFields times
                                                 indexed by efd-field-occurs-level.
        05  efd-field-occ-max-idx                pic xx comp-x.
        05  efd-field-occ-offset                 pic xx comp-x.
General rules
1. field-index must be greater than zero and not greater than efd-total-number-fields (returned by efdDescr) and specifies the ordinal position of the field in the EFD file.
Code example
configuration section.
    class efdParser  as "com.iscobol.lib.efdParser"
working-storage section.
copy "efdParser.def"
77 efd-parser object reference efdParser.
77 field-idx  pic 9(3).
77 buf-type   pic x(20).
procedure division.
move 1 to field-idx.
set efd-field-description to efd-parser:>efdFieldInfo("fd1.xml"