Puts the content of the data item associated with an XMLStream object into an StringBuffer object.
Format 1
void writeToStringBuffer ( Xml-Destination )
Format 2
void writeToStringBuffer ( Xml-Destination, writeQualifiedTagNames )
Syntax rules
1. Xml-Destination is an object reference to java.lang.StringBuffer.
2. writeQualifiedTagNames is an alphanumeric data item or literal hosting a boolean value (e.g. "0", "1", "true", "false", "yes", "no", "on" or "off").
General rules
1. When the write method is invoked, the whole content of the data item associated with the XMLStream object is put into Xml-Destination.
NOTE - If the number of occurrences of an XML fields is not known at the time the program is written, specifying the DYNAMIC phrase of the OCCURS clause is recommended.
2. The XMLStream write method will indent the output according to the value of the property iscobol.xmlstream.indent_number. The default is -1 which disables indentation. For example, to indent each level 2 columns set this property as follows:
3. To omit empty elements from the XML output, set the property iscobol.xmlstream.omit_empty_elements (boolean) to true. The default value of this property is false, that means empty elements are generated.
4. If writeQualifiedTagNames is TRUE, namespaces are generated as prefix of the element name, in the form "ns#" where # is a progressive number. If writeQualifiedTagNames is FALSE or omitted, namespaces are generated as attribute of the element, in the form "xmlns=url".
Code example
configuration section.
    class xmlStream  as "com.iscobol.rts.XMLStream"
    class strBuffer  as "java.lang.StringBuffer"
working-storage section.
77 objXmlStream object reference xmlStream.
77 objStrBuffer object reference strBuffer.
procedure division.
set objStrBuffer to strBuffer:>new()