General Format
INITIATE report-name-1
Syntax Rules
1. Report-name-1 shall be defined by a report description entry in the report section.
2. If report-name-1 is defined in a containing program, the file description entry associated with report-name-1 shall contain a GLOBAL clause.
General Rules
1. The INITIATE statement initializes
o all the report's sum counters to zero
o the report LINE-COUNTER to zero
o the report PAGE-COUNTER to one
Before the INITIATE statement is executed the file associated with the Report must have been opened for OUTPUT or EXTEND.
        input-output section.
            select SalesFile assign to "gbsales.dat"
                   organization is line sequential.
            select PrintFile assign to "salesreportb.lpt".
        file section.
        fd  SalesFile.
        01  SalesRecord.
            02 CityCode         pic 9.
            02 SalesPersonNum   pic 9.
            02 ValueOfSale      pic 9(4)V99.
        fd  PrintFile
            report is SalesReport.
        working-storage section.
        01  eof pic x value low-value.
            88 EndOfFile  value high-values.
        01  NameTable.
            02 TableValues.
               03 filler        pic x(18value "Dublin   Belfast  ".
               03 filler        pic x(18value "Cork     Galway   ".
               03 filler        pic x(18value "Sligo    Waterford".
               03 filler        pic x(9)  value "Limerick".
            02 filler redefines TableValues.
               03  CityName     pic x(9occurs 7 times.
        report section.
        rd  SalesReport
            controls are final
            page limit is 66
            heading 1
            first detail 6
            last detail 42
            footing 52.
       01 type is report heading line number is 1.
            02 .
               03 column 12     pic x(32)
                                value "Report heading of COBOL Program".
       01 type is page heading line number is 2.
            02 .
               03 column 12     pic x(32)
                                value "An example COBOL Report Program".
            02 line plus 1.
               03 column 6      pic x(17)
                  value "Bible Salesperson".
               03 column 23     pic x(26)
                  value " - Sales and Salary Report".
               02 line plus 1.
                  03 column 2      pic x(4)  value "City".
                  03 column 12     pic x(11value "Salesperson".
                  03 column 28     pic x(4)  value "Sale".
               02 line plus 1.
                  03 column 2      pic x(4value "Name".
                  03 column 13     pic x(6value "Number".
                  03 column 28     pic x(5value "Value".
       01 DetailLine type is detail.
          02 line is plus 1.
             03 column 1      pic x(9)
                              source CityName(CityCode) group indicate.
             03 column 15     pic 9
                              source SalesPersonNum  group indicate.
             03 column 25     pic $$,$$$.99 source ValueOfSale.
       01 SalesPersonGrp
             type is control footing SalesPersonNum  next group plus 2.
          02 line is plus 1.
             03 column 15     pic x(21value "Sales for salesperson".
             03 column 37     pic 9 source SalesPersonNum.
             03 column 43     pic x value "=".
             03 sms column 45 pic $$$$$,$$$.99 sum ValueOfSale
       01 CityGrp type is control footing CityCode next group plus 2.
          02 line is plus 2.
             03 column 15     PIC X(9value "Sales for".
             03 column 25     PIC X(9) source CityName(CityCode).
             03 column 43     PIC X value "=".
             03 cs column 45  PIC $$$$$,$$$.99 sum sms
       01 TotalSalesGrp type is control footing final.
          02 line is plus 4.
             03 column 15     pic x(11)
                              value "Total sales".
             03 column 43     pic x value "=".
             03 column 45     pic $$$$$,$$$.99 sum cs.
        01 type is page footing.
          02 line is 53.
             03 column 1 pic x(29)
                         value "Sales, Inc.".
             03 column 45     pic x(6value "Page :".
             03 column 52     pic z9 source page-counter.
       01 type is report footing line number is 66.
            02 .
               03 column 12     pic x(32)
                                value "End of the COBOL Report Program".
        procedure division.
            open input SalesFile.
            open output PrintFile.
            read SalesFile
                 at end set EndOfFile to true
            initiate SalesReport.
            perform PrintSalaryReport
                    until EndOfFile.
            terminate SalesReport.
            close SalesFile.
            close PrintFile.
            generate DetailLine.
            read SalesFile
                  at end set EndOfFile to true