The WHENEVER statement allows the handling of error and exception conditions.
General format
  WHENEVER { SQLERROR   } [ DO ] { GO TO Host-Label  }
           { SQLWARNING }        { CALL Host-Label   }
           { NOT FOUND  }        { PERFORM Host-Label}
                                 { CONTINUE          }
Syntax rules
1. Host-Label is a User-defined word, as defined in the Definitions section of the Preface of this document.
General rules
1. When SQLERROR is specified, the specified action is performed when the SQL statement generates an error.
2. When SQLWARNING is specified, the specified action is performed when the SQL statement generates a warning.
3. When NOT FOUND is specified, the specified action is performed when the SQL statement affects no rows.
4. When GO TO is specified, the control is transferred to the COBOL paragraph or section identified by Host-Label.
5. When CONTINUE is specified, the program continues to the next statement. If a fatal error occurs, an error condition is generated and the program aborts.
Set the general SQL error procedure
   exec sql
        whenever sqlerror do perform test-sql-status
   if sqlcode not = 0
      display message sqlcode   x"0d0a"
                      title "SQL Error"
      exec sql disconnect all end-exec