COBOL is an industry language and is not the property of any company or group of companies, or of any organization or group of organizations.
No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by any contributor or by the CODASYL COBOL Committee as to the accuracy and functioning of the programming system and language. Moreover, no responsibility is assumed by any contributor, or by the committee, in connection therewith.
The authors and copyright holders of the copyrighted materials used herein
FLOW-MATIC (trademark of Sperry Rand Corporation). Programming for the UNIVAC® I and II, Data Automation Systems copyrighted 1958,1959, by Sperry Rand Corporation; IBM Commercial Translater Form No. F 28-8013, copyrighted 1959 by IBM: FACT, DSI 27A5260-2760, copyrighted 1960 by Minneapolis-Honeywell have specifically authorized the use of this material in whole or in part, in the COBOL specifications. Such authorization extends to the reproduction and use of COBOL specifications in programming manuals or similar publications.
ITI/INCITS claim a copyright interest in the COBOL standard to the extent that these organizations have verified that the COBOL standard has met the standard setting requirements of these organizations.
However, ITI/INCITS claims no copyright in the underlying technical specifications of the COBOL standard and, to the extent that consent is required, INCITS freely consents to use of the underlying technical specification by any person without charge. No person reproducing, improving, or using the standard shall claim that any modifications or improvements have been adopted as part of any "official” COBOL standards and/or the standard setting processes of ANSI/ITI/INCITS.