Release Overview : isCOBOL 2016 Release 2 Overview : New User Interface Features
New User Interface Features
The Grid control has been greatly enhanced with new features, and push buttons have been upgraded as well.
Grid control
Grid content can now be copied to the clipboard and exported in Microsoft Excel XLS and XLSX formats. Those features can be added automatically or controlled by code.
The HEADING-MENU-POPUP property has new values defined in the isgui.def, or automatically generated by the Screen Painter, to allow adding the Copy and Export popup menu items.
Using COBOL code, the new ACTION property value ACTION-EXPORT will trigger the grid data export feature. Exported data file name and format can be customized using the EXPORT-FILE-NAME and EXPORT-FILE-FORMAT properties.
Using the ACTION-COPY value of the ACTION property will copy the grid contents to the clipboard.
The figure below shows how the user can access the new grid export feature. This can be achieved by properly setting the HEADING-MENU-POPUP property of the grid, as shown below, no coding needed!
05 my-grid grid
   heading-menu-popup 63
   export-file-name w-path-filename
   export-file-format "xlsx"
The content of exported data into Excel will look like this:
Multiple selection modes are now supported in the grid control, to allow users to more conveniently select rows or columns.
New properties in the GRID control:
SELECTION-MODE to specify the selection type
CELL-SELECTED-COLOR to set the selected cell color, expressed as COBOL value
CELL-SELECTED-BACKGROUND-COLOR to set the selected cell background color, in RGB format
CELL-SELECTED-FOREGROUND-COLOR to set the selected cell foreground color, in RGB format
COLUMN-SELECTED-COLOR to set the selected column color, expressed as COBOL value
COLUMN-SELECTED-BACKGROUND-COLOR to set the selected column background color, in RGB format
COLUMN-SELECTED-FOREGROUND-COLOR to set the selected column foreground color, in RGB format
ROW-SELECTED-COLOR to set the selected row color, expressed as COBOL value
ROW-SELECTED-BACKGROUND-COLOR to set the selected row background color, in RGB format
ROW-SELECTED-FOREGROUND-COLOR to set the selected row foreground color, in RGB format
CELLS-SELECTED to retrieve the selected cells list
COLUMNS-SELECTED to retrieve the selected columns list
ROWS-SELECTED to retrieve the selected rows list
With the code shown below multiple row selections can be easily added in the grid:
05 my-grid grid
   selection-mode 12
   row-selected-foreground-color rgb x#9CB0E3
   row-selected-background-color rgb x#2D4D9F 
To provide better looking and easier to read grids, when multiple header rows are used, heading cells can now span horizontally or vertically
CELL-ROWS-SPAN spans a header cell vertically on multiple rows
CELL-COLUMNS-SPAN spans a header cell horizontally on multiple columns
In the figure below, the SPAN CELLS feature is used to vertically span the first 4 columns and to horizontally span the Album Info cell, using the following code:
05 my-grid grid
            num-col-headings 2
modify my-grid(11cell-rows-span 2
modify my-grid(12cell-rows-span 2
modify my-grid(13cell-rows-span 2
modify my-grid(14cell-rows-span 2
modify my-grid(15cell-columns-span 3
Push buttons
Alignment styles LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, CENTER are now supported in push-buttons and can be set dynamically.