Release Overview : isCOBOL 2017 Release 2 Overview : Database Bridge Improvements
Database Bridge Improvements
isCOBOL Database Bridge generation has been rewritten in Java, and has been integrated in the isCOBOL compiler and available on all supported platforms. It’s now a one-step process, and all needed files are generated at compile time. There is no need to run an external utility for each supported database anymore, as the compiler itself does it all automatically.
EDBI generation integrated in the compiler
New compiler properties have been added to configure the EDBI generation for supported DBMS (DB2, DB2_AS400, Informix, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server:
iscobol.compiler.easydb=true|false (default: false)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.db2=true|false (default: false)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.db2_as400=true|false (default: false)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.informix=true|false (default: false)|false (default: false)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.mysql=true|false (default: false)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.postgres=true|false (default: false)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.sqlserver=true|false (default: false)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.db2.prefix=... (default: db2)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.db2_as400.prefix=... (default: d24)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.generic.prefix=... (default: gen)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.informix.prefix=... (default: ifx) (default: ora)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.mysql.prefix=... (default: mys)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.postgres.prefix=... (default: pgs)
iscobol.compiler.easydb.sqlserver.prefix=... (default: srv)
Further details on the configuration properties can be found on the isCOBOL 2017 R2 Documentation.
A new runtime property has been added to set the file name prefix of the generated EDBI programs:
For example, to generate the EDBI programs for Oracle and MySQL, the file should contain
When compiling the source code with the following command:
C:\Veryant\isCOBOL2017R2\sample\easydb>iscc -sp=..\isdef PROG-FILE1.cbl
Generated 'oraEDBI-file1.cbl'
Generated 'mysEDBI-file1.cbl'
Database Bridge classes are generated for both, Oracle and MySQL
At runtime, to execute the program and connect to a MySQL database, the runtime
configuration should set the prefix as
while to connect to an Oracle database the following should set it as
Support for E type in EFD DATE
The EFD DATE directive now allows developer to store a COBOL 7-digit date in a database Date field. Such dates are represented in COBOL with the format YYYYEEE, where YYYY is the year, and EEE is the number of days since the first day of the year. As an example, the 1st of February of 2017 would be represented in COBOL as 2017032.
Database bridge can handle automatic conversion from YYYYEEE dates to the underlying database Date fields by specifying the following directives and field declaration:
           03 customer-order-date pic 9(7).
The usual scenario for this configuration is when using code such as
accept customer-order-date from day YYYYDDD.
write customer-order-rec
read customer-order-file next
Automatic conversion of the data from the database to the COBOL program and vice versa is carried out automatically by the Database Bridge engine.