This utility is deprecated and supported only for backward compatibility. STREAM2WRK should be used instead.
The WSDL2WRK utility takes a WSDL file and generates a COBOL description of the 'SOAP Envelopes' used by the service. Two envelopes are generated for each service: an envelope for date request and an envelope for data response.
iscrun -utility wsdl2wrk [-v1.1] [-o outputFile] [-amn] wsdlFile
-v.1.1 should be used to process WSDL files of version 1.1. By default the utility expects WSDL files of version 2.0
outputFile is the name of the file that will contain the record definition corresponding to wsdlFile.
-amn instructs the utility to append the method name rather than a progressive number to each generated copy file.
wsdlFile is the name of the WSDL file to parse. It can be either a disk file name or a URL. Note that the utility is not able to read a file over the HTTPS protocol. In such case, the file should be downloaded to disc using third party utilities (e.g. a web browser) and then processed as a disc file.
If there is more than one schema, then more copyfiles are created with the following criteria:
if there is no suffix on the outputFile name, the first is created with the same name as outputFile and the others with the name outputFile<n>, where n is a progressive number.
if there is a suffix on the outputFile name, the first is created with the same name as outputFile and the others with the name outputFile<n>.<suffix>, where outputFile is the output file name without extension, n is a progressive number and suffix is the output file name extension.
Thin Client
WSDL2WRK can’t be launched directly by the isCOBOL Client.