This property allows you to set or retrieve the width of the four borders of the Push-Button control. The property is a list of four values that specify the width in pixels of the top, left, bottom and right border respectively. This property has effect only on buttons with the Flat style.
Setting the property to -1 resets the borders.
Passing less than four values assumes that the remaining values are 0.
This property overrides the layout provided by the iscobol.gui.native_style (boolean) * setting for the control.
Example - Define a push-button control with a huge bottom border
screen section.
  03 screen-1-pb-1 Push-Button
     line 4.5
     column 8.1
     size 70
     lines 48
     id 1
     border-width (1 1 5 1)
     bitmap-handle icon-png
     bitmap-default 21
     bitmap-disabled 18
     bitmap-rollover 19
     bitmap-pressed 20
     bitmap-width 18