Installing on Unix
c-tree for other platforms comes in a gzipped tar file. The name of the file is: c-treeRTG_vMajor.Minor.Build_Platform.tar.gz
Current version of c-tree is:
Currently available platforms are:
IBM AIX 5 (32 bit)
IBM AIX 5 (64 bit)
Linux x86 32-bit
Linux x64 64-bit
Mac OS 64-bit
Sun Solaris (SPARC - 32 bit)
Sun Solaris (SPARC - 64 bit)
OpenServer 10
Note - If you need a different porting, ask to Veryant support.
Unzip and extract the tar file with the following command:
gunzip c-treeRTG_vMajor.Minor.Build_Platform.tar.gz
tar -xvf c-treeRTG_vMajor.Minor.Build_Platform.tar
A directory called c-treeRTG_vMajor.Minor will be created.