ctutil allows you to examine files, extract data records, change the maximum record size, and rebuild corrupted indexes. The functions are designed to allow you to specify all possible task parameters up front, so that the utility can run unattended or with a minimum of user interactions.
ctutil [-c config_file] [-s] [-l]
 Information options
   -info       file [-x]
   -param      file
   -profile    file
 Maintenance options
   -make       file iss_file
   -copy       source_file dest_file
   -clone      source_file dest_file
   -filecopy   source_file dest_file [-overwrite]
   -rename     source_file dest_file [-overwrite]
   -remove     file
   -upgrade    source_file [dest_file]
 Consistency options
   -check      file [-x] [-k=index]
   -rebuild    file [-purgedups] [-delidx] [-repairdata]
   -compact    file [-purgedups] [-delidx] [-repairdata]
   -fileid     file
 Definition options
   -setpath    file
   -tron       file T|P|F|W
   -segment    file max_file_size max_segments
   -conv       file convention_ID
   -compress   file
   -uncompress file
 String image options
   -getimg     file
   -makeimg    file image_string
   -checkimg   file image_string
   -rblimg     file image_string
   -addimg     file image_string
 Import/export options
   -load       file seq_file [-b|t|p|r2] [-v[2|4|8][n|x]] [-n] [-r|s] [-rs=recsiz]
   -unload     file seq_file [-b|t|p] [-v[2|4|8][n|x]] [-k=index]
 SQL options
   -sqlinfo    file [iss_file [convention_ID]]
   -sqllink    file database_name
               [-symb=table_name] [-prefix=table_prefix]
               [-owner=user_name] [-public[=ro]]
   -sqlunlink  file database_name
               [-symb=table_name] [-prefix=table_prefix]
   -sqlize     file iss_file database_name
               [-symb=table_name] [-prefix=table_prefix]
               [-owner=user_name] [-public[=ro]]
               [-conv=convention_ID] [-rule=rules_file]
   -sqlrefresh file iss_file database_name
               [-symb=table_name] [-prefix=table_prefix]
               [-owner=user_name] [-conv=convention_ID]
   -sqlcheck   file iss_file [-conv=convention_ID] [-show=show_type]
   -ddf2xdd    DDF_directory [-rule=rules_file]
 Miscellaneous options
   -cryptconf  config_file output_file
   -test       [config|connect|filerules]
   -run        command_list_file
General rules
config_file specifies the configuration file to be used instead of the default. See Configuring the client through CTREE_CONF for details about the configuration file.
When the -s option is specified, superuser mode is activated and files marked as corrupted can be opened.
When the -l option is specified, the utility dumps the configuration in XML format before the command output.
option names have been changed. Old names ( that begin with _ct instead of - ) are still supported for backward compatibility.