Returns an HTML stream to the HTTP client.
General format
void displayHTML( html, docType )
Syntax rules
1. html is a level 01 data item for which the IS IDENTIFIED clause has been used.
2. docType is an alphanumeric data item or literal.
General rules
1. html data item must be identified by html tags, in particular the item at level 01 must be IDENTIFIED BY “HTML”.
2. docType specifies the <!DOCTYPE> declaration as described here. It might be null.
3. The MIME type “text/html” is automatically applied.
The following COBOL program produces an HTML output with different text styles:
          CLASS WEB-AREA AS "com.iscobol.rts.HTTPHandler"
       01  html identified by "html".
           03 identified by "p".
              05 identified by "b".
                 07 bold-text pic x any length.
           03 identified by "p".
              05 identified by "i".
                 07 italic-text pic x any length.
           03 identified by "p".
              05 plain-text pic x any length.
           move "bold" to bold-text.
           move "italic" to italic-text.
           move "plain" to plain-text.
           lnk-area:>displayHTML(html, null).