Executes an HTTP request using the POST method specifying the data stream and having the MIME type set automatically.
Format 1
void doPostEx( strUrl, content ) |
Format 2
void doPostEx( strUrl, type, content ) |
Format 3
void doPostEx( strUrl, type, content, hasDummyRoot ) |
Syntax rules
1. strUrl is the URL to invoke.
2. content contains the data stream.
3. type is the MIME type (i.e. "text/xml")
4. hasDummyRoot is an alphanumeric data item or literal hosting a boolean value (e.g. "0", "1", "true", "false", "yes", "no", "on" or "off"). If the boolean value is TRUE, then the top level item of Record-Definition is discarded and will not appear in the JSON stream . This parameter can be NULL, in such case, FALSE is assumed.
General rules
1. In Format 1,
type is set to "application/json" or "application/xml" depending on the Content-type request header field. If no Content-type field is available in the request header, then the type is controlled by the configuration setting.
2. If content is an appropriately structured variable with external names and the type is set to "application/json", the method makes a request using the JSON format.
3. If content is an appropriately structured variable with external names but type is not set to "application/json", the method makes a request using the XML format.