isCOBOL EIS : COBOL Servlet option (OOP) : COBOL Servlet Programming
COBOL Servlet Programming
Following you will find an explanation about how to develop a simple COBOL servlet that builds an HTML page using a header.htm page and a footer.htm page, filling them with the correct message and sending a text string between them, the string is "Hello world from isCOBOL!".
The Web Servlet container used for this example is Tomcat 7.
This program needs to take the following steps:
Create a folder called doctest with the following structure:
Create a file called web.xml in doctest/WEB-INF folder with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
  <display-name>isCOBOL EIS</display-name>
        <filter-name>isCOBOL filter</filter-name>
        <filter-name>isCOBOL filter</filter-name>
Create a Hello.htm web form to call a COBOL servlet called HELLO:
<H2>isCOBOL Example.</H2>
<H3>This example shows how easily you can compose an HTML page with an isCOBOL program running on the web server. The HTML page is composed of two parts; a header and a footer. The isCOBOL program will insert a message to the header and footer, as well as inserting the text "Hello world from isCOBOL" between the header and footer.</H3>
<HR size="2">
<FORM method="post" action="servlet/isCobol(HELLO)">
    <p><input type="submit" value="Invoke isCOBOL HELLO program" /></p>
Note that in POST method of HTML form there is the call of the COBOL Servlet called HELLO.
Create a Header.htm as follow:
<H1>This is the header HTML page of the isCOBOL Example</H1>
<H2>This is the message sent by the isCOBOL program: %%opening-message%%</H2>
Note that this form displays the top of the HTML page that the program HELLO.cbl will build; as we can see, the <HTML>, <BODY> and <CENTER> tags are not closed, and there is the string %%opening-message%% that will be managed and replaced by the COBOL servlet program.
Create a Footer.htm web form as follow:
This is the footer HTML page of the isCOBOL Example.
<H2>This is the message sent by the isCOBOL program: %%closing-message%%</H2>
Note that this form displays the bottom of the HTML page that the program HELLO.cbl will build. Here the tags <HTML>, <BODY> and <CENTER> are closed and there is the string %%closing-message%% that will be managed and replaced by the COBOL servlet program.
Create a HELLO.cbl COBOL Servlet program as follows:
       PROGRAM-ID. HELLO initial.
       class web-area as "com.iscobol.rts.HTTPHandler"
       01  hello-buffer pic x(40value "Hello World from isCOBOL!".
       01  rc pic 9.
       01  html-header-form identified by "Header".
            05  identified by "opening-message".
                10 opening-message pic x(40).
       01  html-footer-form identified by "Footer".
            05  identified by "closing-message".
                10  closing-message pic x(40).
       01 comm-area object reference web-area.
       PROCEDURE DIVISION using comm-area.
           move "This is the header" to opening-message
           set rc = comm-area:>processHtmlFile (html-header-form).
           comm-area:>displayText  (hello-buffer).
           move "Bye Bye by isCOBOL" to closing-message
           set rc = comm-area:>processHtmlFile (html-footer-form).
Note that the COBOL servlet does the following steps:
Move the value "This is the header" to the variable opening-message of the structure prepared for Header.htm
Add to the HTML page source (that currently is empty) the Header.htm form replacing the string %%opening-message%% by the opening-message variable value
Add to the HTML page the text "Hello world from isCOBOL!"
Move the value "Bye Bye by isCOBOL" to the variable closing-message of the structure prepared for Footer.htm
Add to the HTML page source the Footer.htm form replacing the string %%closing-message%% by the closing-message variable value
at the exit of the program, the page HTML will be sent to the Web Server.
Compile HELLO.cbl without any specific options and copy HELLO.class under doctest/WEB-IF/classes folder
Create a file under doctest/WEB-IF/classes folder with a property to inform isCOBOL EIS framework of the path of all HTML useful files:
Copy the isCOBOL runtime library (iscobol.jar) to the doctest/WEB-IF/lib folder.
Create a war file to be deployed in Tomcat called doctest.war that includes all files of doctest folder. It can be done with the following command:
jar -cfv doctest.war *
Once doctest.war file is deployed correctly in Tomcat servlet container, we can try it using, assuming Tomcat is running on the localhost and using the default port, 8080.
By pressing the "Invoke isCOBOL Hello program" button, the result is: