How to receive parameters in WebDirect
Programs can receive parameters from the URL.
Parameters must be added at the end of the URL using the syntax “&PARAMN=Value” (where N is a progressive number) and they're intercepted by the COBOL program as chaining parameters.
The following COBOL program, for example, expects 2 parameters, p1 and p2:
PROGRAM-ID. prog. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 p1 pic x(10). 77 p2 pic x(10). PROCEDURE DIVISION chaining p1 p2. main. display message "p1=" p1. display message "p2=" p2. goback. |
The parameters will be passed through HTTP using GET or POST methods.
Example of GET
The following URL passes two parameters named PARAM1 and PARAM2: |
Example of POST
The following HTML form passes two parameters named PARAM1 and PARAM2:
<html> <form method="POST" action="zk/IsMainZK?PROGRAM=PROG"> <input type="text" placeholder="Param1" name="PARAM1"/> <input type="text" placeholder="Param1" name="PARAM2"/> <input type="submit" value="Chiama COBOL"/> </form> </html> |
Note - the name of the parameter in the URL can be different than the name used by the COBOL program. Parameters are passed according to their ordinal position.