Generate and build projects
isIDE -data workspaceLocation -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application com.iscobol.plugins.screenpainter.IscobolScreenPainter.builderApplication [project projectName] [refresh] [clean] [build] [generate] [logfile logFilename] |
• workspaceLocation is the workspace directory.
• -nosplash is suggested to avoid the splash screen.
• --launcher.suppressErrors is suggested to avoid interactive message boxes on error. If this option is used, then errors are saved to the file ".log" in the workspace ".metadata" folder.
• project specifies the name of the project to process. If omitted, all the projects in the workspace are processed.
• refresh, if specified, performs the same operation of Project -> Refresh for each processed project.
• clean, if specified, performs the same operation of Project -> Clean for each processed project.
• generate, if specified, performs the same operation of Project -> Generate Project for each processed project.
• build, if specified, performs the same operation of Project -> Build Project for each processed project.
• logfile allows you to choose the name of the file to contain the printed logs. If not specified, the IDE will create a file named "iscobol_builder<yyyyMMddHHmmss>.log" in the working directory.
Note - The 'build' option implies 'generate', so if you specify both 'build' and 'generate', 'generate' will be ignored.