isCOBOL IDE : Command-line usage : Generate and build projects
Generate and build projects
isIDE -data workspaceLocation -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application com.iscobol.plugins.screenpainter.IscobolScreenPainter.builderApplication [project projectName] [refresh] [clean] [build] [generate] [logfile logFilename]
workspaceLocation is the workspace directory.
-nosplash is suggested to avoid the splash screen.
--launcher.suppressErrors is suggested to avoid interactive message boxes on error. If this option is used, then errors are saved to the file ".log" in the workspace ".metadata" folder.
project specifies the name of the project to process. If omitted, all the projects in the workspace are processed.
refresh, if specified, performs the same operation of Project -> Refresh for each processed project.
clean, if specified, performs the same operation of Project -> Clean for each processed project.
generate, if specified, performs the same operation of Project -> Generate Project for each processed project.
build, if specified, performs the same operation of Project -> Build Project for each processed project.
logfile allows you to choose the name of the file to contain the printed logs. If not specified, the IDE will create a file named "iscobol_builder<yyyyMMddHHmmss>.log" in the working directory.
Note - The 'build' option implies 'generate', so if you specify both 'build' and 'generate', 'generate' will be ignored.