isCOBOL UDBC is provided with a command-line SQL tool. You can start it with the command:
visql -cstring jdbc:veryant:<udbc-server-ip>:<udbc-server-port>:<database> -u <user> -p <password>
Where udbc-server-ip and udbc-server-port are the coordinates to reach a listening UDBC Server on the network. By default UDBC Server listens for connections on port 6789.
user and password are checked only if the File Server was started having in the configuration.
Once connected, you can input queries and see the result. Each query must be closed by the GO command, issued on a separate line, for example:
Command line options
VISQL provides the following command line options:
Specifies the command terminator. The default is "go".
Specifies the connection string to use.
Prints to stdout (System.out) debugging information.
Specifies the delimiter. The default is " | ".
Specifies a file name to read commands from.
Left justify the output.
Do not print any header columns.
Print the empty string instead of the word "NULL" for null value.
-password / -p
Specifies the user name to log into a database server with.
Specifies the name of a file that contains the password to log into a database server with. The first line of file should contain the password and nothing else.
Specifies an optional single query to run instead of interacting with the command line or a file. Note that the command must include a command terminator or the command will hang.
Changes the spacer between columns from a single space to the first character of the argument.
Trim the data output. This is useful when specifying a delimiter.
-user / -u
Specifies a user name to log into a database server with.
Specifies the maximum field width for a column. The default is to output the full width of the column.
Options and their values are separated by a space. For example, the following command runs a query directly telling that the command terminator is ";" instead of "GO".
visql -cstring "jdbc:veryant:localhost:6789:DBSERVER1" -u admin -p admin -c ";" -query "select * from file1;"