What are the options for using ActiveX controls?
Estimated Reading Time: 1 MinutesQuestion:
What are my options if my application depends on ActiveX controls and I want to continue to use those controls when running on Windows?
isCOBOL supports Javabean controls in the GUI, and there are a number of solutions for accessing COM/OLE/ActiveX from within a Java-based application.We have tested and verified the functionality of comfyj which generates java classes to wrap ActiveX objects.
We recommend the Comfyj product because it is more complete and better supported from a technical point of view.
In addition, they charge just for development and not for runtime.
Veryant can provide a side-by-side example of a program that uses a Microsoft COM object with ACUCOBOL syntax and the same program written with isCOBOL and Comfyj.
An ActiveX control in the screen section, when converted to a Javabean, looks similar to the following:
screen section. 01 mask . 03 GR-TEST JAVA-BEAN LINE 2 COL 2 LINES 28 SIZE 90 ID GR-ID-TEST VISIBLE 1 ENABLED 1 CLSID "VSFlexGridContainer" EVENT-LIST ("vsflexgrid") OBJECT IN FLEXGRID-TEST EVENT JAVA-BEAN-EVENT java-bean-event. if event-type = msg-jb-event set flex-event-obj to event-obj as activex-event evaluate event-data-2 when 100 display "FSCommand event: command = " end-evaluate else set flex-event-obj to event-obj as activex-event end-if.