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Question's List List of Questions available in "Transitioning to isCOBOL"
  1. isCOBOL implementation of CALL SYSTEM and the iscobol.system.exec property (viewed 15030 times)
  2. What are the options for using ActiveX controls? (viewed 9062 times)
  3. What compiler options and properties should I use for mainframe migrations with UniKix? (viewed 9040 times)
Subcategories Subcategories available under "Transitioning to isCOBOL"
Category - Acucobol-GT Acucobol-GT (8)
Category - Mainframe COBOL Mainframe COBOL (2)
Category - Micro Focus COBOL Micro Focus COBOL (3)
Category - RM/COBOL RM/COBOL (1)


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