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 Compiler General

Is there a faster way to compile?

There are several techniques that can increase the speed of compilation. Use wildcards to compile multiple programs together in one Java instance instead of compiling each separately, which closes and opens a separate Java process for each compile.... Read More

Using Regular Expressions to replace text in your program

Regular expressions can be used to replace text in your programs without changing your code. You do this by setting iscobol.compiler.regexp and compiling your code. The format is: iscobol.compiler.regexp=<existing-value> <new-value> ... Read More

How can I make my Linkage parameters more flexible?

By using standard COBOL variables in the Linkage Section of your program to receive strings and numbers, you force the calling programs to use specific data items to pass the parameters. For example, if you define a parameter as PIC X(100), the... Read More