action-copy | The content of the Grid is copied to the clipboard. If Selection-Mode is set to a value greater than 0, only the selected cells are copied. Using Java7 or greater, the text format (font and colors) is copied as well. |
action-current-page | The Grid control is emptied, excluding headings, and a MSG-PAGED-NEXTPAGE event is generated. This action only has an effect on Grids with the Paged style. |
action-entry | The Grid control enters the Edit Mode and the MSG-BEGIN-ENTRY event is generated. |
action-export | The content of the Grid is exported to the file name indicated by Export-File-Name in the format indicated by Export-File-Format. |
action-first-page | The program acts as if the user requested the first page of data pushing the appropriate button on the right side of the Grid control or by pressing [Ctrl+Home]. A MSG-PAGED-FIRST event is generated. This action only has an effect on Grids with the Paged style. |
action-hide-drag | Removes the color set by the Drag-Color property. |
action-last-page | The program acts as if the user requested the last page of data pushing the appropriate button on the right side of the Grid control or by pressing [Ctrl+End]. A MSG-PAGED-LAST event is generated. This action only has an effect on Grids with the Paged style. |
action-next | The program acts as if the user requested the next record pushing the appropriate button on the right side of the Grid control or by pressing [DownArrow] when the cursor is on the last record of the Grid control. A MSG-PAGED-NEXT event is generated. This action only has an effect on Grids with the Paged style. |
action-next-page | The program acts as if the user requested the next page of data pushing the appropriate button on the right side of the Grid control or by pressing [PageDown]. A MSG-PAGED-NEXTPAGE event is generated. This action only has an effect on Grids with the Paged style. |
action-previous | The program acts as if the user requested the previous record pushing the appropriate button on the right side of the Grid control or by pressing [UpArrow] when the cursor is on the first record of the Grid control, excluding headings. A MSG-PAGED-PREV event is generated. This action only has an effect on Grids with the Paged style. |
action-previous-page | The program acts as if the user requested the previous page of data pushing the appropriate button on the right side of the Grid control or by pressing [PageUp]. A MSG-PAGED-PREVPAGE event is generated. This action only has an effect on Grids with the Paged style. |
action-search | The Grid’s search panel is shown, as if the user pressed Ctrl-F. |
action-sort | The Grid control sorts itself following Sort-data settings, and the MSG-BEGIN-SORT event is generated. This action affects the current data in the Grid. If the Grid is empty, nothing happens. |
... procedure division. ... modify screen-1-gr-1 action action-entry ... |