The C$SOCKET library routine provides a number of functions to manage sockets.
                GIVING returnCode
Function to be executed. Valid values, defined in issocket.def, are:
Creates a new server socket on specific port
Accepts connections
Creates a new client connecting to a server socket
Closes a socket
Writes data into socket
Read data from socket
Flush socket data
Empty socket
Returns the name of the pc hosting the socket
Returns the machine name associated to the socket
Returns the IP address associated to the socket
Returns machine name, IP and port associated to the socket
Returns the error-code of last operation
Returns the next readable socket
Parameters depend on the opcode.
Note: Acucobol-GT op-codes names having the prefix "AGS-" instead of "CSOCKET-" are supported for compatibility.
Return code:
returnCode can be any signed numeric data item. The meaning depends on the opcode.
Example - Socket server program to listen messages from different clients and respond to them
       program-id. sockserver.
       working-storage section.
       copy "issocket.def".
       78  data-len        value 1024.
       77  sock-hnd-1      usage handle.
       77  sock-hnd-2      usage handle.
       77  client-data     pic x(data-len).
       77  bytes-read      pic s9999.
       77  sock-timeout    signed-int value -1.
       77  sock-thread     pic 9(4).
       procedure division chaining sock-thread.
           call "c$socket" using csocket-create-server, sock-thread
                           giving sock-hnd-1.
           if sock-hnd-1 = null
              perform exit-program
           perform until client-data(1:9) = "sockclose"
               call "c$socket" using csocket-next-read, sock-hnd-1,
                                     sock-timeout giving sock-hnd-2
               move sock-hnd-2 to return-code
               if return-code = -1
                   call "c$socket" using csocket-close, sock-hnd-1
                   call "c$sleep" using 4
                   go to main
               if return-code = 0
                   exit perform 
               if sock-hnd-2 = sock-hnd-1
                   call "c$socket" using csocket-accept, sock-hnd-1
                   exit perform
               call "c$socket" using csocket-read, sock-hnd-2,
                                     client-data, data-len
                               giving bytes-read
               if bytes-read = data-len
                   if client-data(1:9not = "sockclose"
                       perform process-request
                   if bytes-read = -1
                       call "c$socket" using csocket-close, sock-hnd-2
                       move "01 Resend data" to client-data
                       call "c$socket" using csocket-write, sock-hnd-2,
                                       client-data, data-len
           perform exit-program.
            move "00 data ok" to client-data
            call "c$socket" using csocket-write, sock-hnd-2,
                                  client-data, data-len.