CALL "C$SOCKET" USING CSOCKET-LAST-ERROR socketHandle [textDescription] GIVING return-code |
socketHandle | USAGE HANDLE | Identifies the socket to inquire for errors. It can be NULL. |
textDescription | PIC X(n) | Optional parameter. It receives the textual description of the error, if available. |
0 | No errors |
10004 | socket error EINTR |
10009 | socket error EBADF |
10013 | socket error EACCES |
10014 | socket error EFAULT |
10022 | socket error EINVAL |
10024 | socket error EMFILE |
10035 | socket error EWOULDBLOCK |
10036 | socket error EINPROGRESS |
10037 | socket error EALREADY |
10038 | socket error ENOTSOCK |
10039 | socket error EDESTADDRREQ |
10040 | socket error EMSGSIZE |
10041 | socket error EPROTOTYPE |
10042 | socket error ENOPROTOOPT |
10043 | socket error EPROTONOSUPPORT |
10044 | socket error ESOCKTNOSUPPORT |
10045 | socket error EOPNOTSUPP |
10046 | socket error EPFNOSUPPORT |
10047 | socket error EAFNOSUPPORT |
10048 | socket error EADDRINUSE |
10049 | socket error EADDRNOTAVAIL |
10050 | socket error ENETDOWN |
10051 | socket error ENETUNREACH |
10052 | socket error ENETRESET |
10053 | socket error ECONNABORTED |
10054 | socket error ECONNRESET |
10055 | socket error ENOBUFS |
10056 | socket error EISCONN |
10057 | socket error ENOTCONN |
10058 | socket error ESHUTDOWN |
10059 | socket error ETOOMANYREFS |
10060 | socket error ETIMEDOUT |
10061 | socket error ECONNREFUSED |
10062 | socket error ELOOP |
10063 | socket error ENAMETOOLONG |
10064 | socket error EHOSTDOWN |
10065 | socket error EHOSTUNREACH |
10066 | socket error ENOTEMPTY |
10067 | socket error EPROCLIM |
10068 | socket error EUSERS |
10069 | socket error EDQUOT |
10070 | socket error ESTALE |
10071 | socket error EREMOTE |
10091 | socket error SYSNOTREADY |
10092 | socket error VERNOTSUPPORTED |
10093 | socket error NOTINITIALIZED |
10101 | socket error EDISCON |
10102 | socket error EUNKNOWN |