Compile-time optimizations
The first area on which to focus the attention when tuning performance is the compilation of the source files. Starting with small and optimized classes is an important step that will help improving performance at run time.
Latest Compiler
The isCOBOL Compiler is constantly improved so, after you upgrade your isCOBOL SDK, it’s good practice to re-compile your programs using the current Compiler.
Smaller classes
Smaller classes are loaded faster that means less time is required to start the program the first time.
The size of a Java class file is influenced by additional information that are stored for debug purposes. In order to obtain the smaller class files you can choose to remove these information. The disadvantage is that error messages and exception stacks produced by the Framework at run time will be more poor. To remove debug information:
avoid using -d and -dx compiler option
This will cause debug information to be excluded from the class. If you were using -big option along with -d and -dx because of a "too many constants" javac error, try avoiding -big as well. The “too many constants” error might not occur anymore when the class is smaller due to the lack of debug information.
avoid using -big option if not necessary
Generally speaking the -big option should be used only when necessary. If and only if the compilation of a program fails with the "too many constants" or "code too large" Java errors, then -big should be considered. Compiling a program with -big despite it’s not necessary generates additional classes and makes the program slower at run time. Consider that the -big option can be included at the top of the source in the programs that require it, using the IMP OPTION directive.
           >>IMP OPTION "-big"
       PROGRAM-ID. HugeProgram.
In this way you avoid putting -big in your compiler scripts with the risk of using this option also for programs that don’t need it.
add -jo=-g:none to the compiler options
This will cause Java source references to be excluded from the class.
Warning - as side effects, the Code Coverage and Unit Test features will not work correctly and the exception stacks shown by the runtime will provide less information.
add -ostrip to the compiler options
This will cause COBOL variables description to be excluded from the class.
Warning - as a side effect, all the exception messages where a variable name is usually shown will not include the variable name anymore, hence features like iscobol.array_check *, iscobol.checkdiv * and iscobol.substring.check * will be less helpful.
Consider removing COPY RESOURCE statements from your source files, especially if you’re including the same resource file in several programs.
The time spent for the class loading is the sum between the time spent to read the class file from disk and the time spent to register class definitions in the metaspace. With that said, you should optimize not only the size in KB on disk, but also the amount of items and methods in the class. This kind of information can be obtained by processing the class with javap.
Smaller methods
Java performs better if methods are small. It’s better to have a lot of small methods rather than few huge methods. This rule doesn’t affect only object oriented programming; consider that each paragraph of a standard COBOL program becomes a method in the compiled Java class. If your program is made of huge paragraphs, in order to split them in multiple small methods, you might consider compiling with -sns=Statements option. Use rather low values, like 200.
Relaxed size checking on computational data-items
The -dz compiler option improves performance by relaxing size checking on computational numeric items.
The price for the best compatibility on comparisons and moves
The -cudc compiler option provides more compatibility with other COBOLs by treating numeric USAGE DISPLAY data as characters in comparisons and moves. On the other hand, programs compiled with this option are usually slower.
Proper data types
isCOBOL handles COBOL data types by creating an object for each one of them. There are two cases in which you can make isCOBOL handle data in a more optimized way: Strings management and Arithmetic operations on integers.
Strings management
Operations on alphanumeric items, such as INSPECT and UNSTRING, can be optimized by compiling the COBOL program with -b option. This option causes isCOBOL to handle the data item using a byte array instead of an object, causing the string management to be faster. Note that this optimization affects only standard alphanumeric data items; national data items are not affected.
EVALUATE statements that test string literals can be optimized by compiling with -oe option. In this case the compiler translates the EVALUATE statement to a Java SWITCH statement instead of calling the EVALUATE implementation in the isCOBOL runtime.
iscc -b -oe string-test.cbl
Arithmetic operations on integers
If you need to perform additions or subtractions on integer numeric items (for example incrementing a counter), define your item as:
77 num INT.
instead of:
77 num PIC 9(4).
This will cause isCOBOL to use a native int to store the data instead of creating an object instance for it, causing the arithmetic operation to be faster.