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How to generate and compile an isCOBOL IDE workspace in background-mode

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

IsCOBOL IDE supports the background generation using standard Eclipse rules.
This allows you to run a long build for a huge workspace with many programs that need to be generated, for instance. It's also useful when you have many programs written by hand (outside of the IDE) that need to be compiled in background mode. It's handy to run the background process during the night and see the result the next morning.
This is an example command:

isIDE -data /MyWorkspace -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application com.iscobol.plugins.screenpainter.IscobolScreenPainter.builderApplication clean build logfile /out-build.log
The output file "out-build.log" will contain the generation and compilation results of isCOBOL IDE workspace placed in /MyWorkspace. These are some lines of the logfile:
start build project 'Project1' ...
Generate cobol sources...
Load 'program1.isp'
Generate 'program1' files ...
Build project Project1
Compiling program1.cbl ...
Compiling java files ...
If there are any errors during compilation, they will be stored in the .err files under the project folder "errs".

How to generate and compile an isCOBOL IDE workspace in background-mode

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