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Toggling comments in the properties file editor

It is easy to add and remove comments when editing in the isCOBOL IDE. You can use the buttons on the toolbar - they are, in order, Add Comment, Remove Comment and Toggle Comment To comment a block, highlight the lines you want to comment before... Read More

How to view two different consoles in the IDE

When you want to view two different consoles in the IDE to compare the outputs of two launches, you can do the following: In the Menu bar of the IDE go to "Windows > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching" Then uncheck the option "Remove terminated... Read More

Working with Remote Projects

NOTE: These instructions are only for customers using version 2021R1 or later, when the remote server was added to the IDE. Previous versions should see KB article #311 ( for more... Read More

isCOBOL IDE Eclipse Troubleshooting

Question: There is no isCOBOL Project option in the New menu, and I get the following error when I try to switch to the isCOBOL Perspective in the Eclipse based isCOBOL IDE: Could not create the view: Plug-in com.iscobol.plugins.editor... Read More

On which version of Eclipse are the isCOBOL 's built?

Question: On which version of Eclipse are the isCOBOL IDE's built? Can I use plug-ins that require older versions of Eclipse? Answer: The 2022 Version of Veryant's IDE is based on Eclipse 2021-09(4.21). This version is updated frequently... Read More

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