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How do I install support for Subversion (SVN) in Eclipse or isCOBOL IDE?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Veryant recommends the Subclipse plugin from

Here are the instructions to install Subclipse in the current isCOBOL IDE:

  1. Select Install New Software... from the Help menu
  2. Press the Add... button and enter the following information (your location might be different depending on the version you install):
    Name: Subclipse Update Site
  3. Press OK
  4. Check the top 3 boxes (Core SVNKit Library, Optional JNA Library, Subclipse)
  5. Press Next > and Next>
  6. Accept the license agreement
  7. Press Finish
  8. Press OK in the message box concerning unsigned content
  9. Press Yes to restart Eclipse

To explore an existing SVN Repository:

  1. Select Window > Open Perspective > Other... and SVN Repository Exploring
  2. Right click in the SVN Repositories view and select New > Repository Location
  3. Enter the URL for your repository. For example, if you created a repository with "svnadmin create c:svnmyproj" then you can enter the URL file:///c:/svn/myproj
  4. To share an isCOBOL project with others (i.e. check it into SVN), you right-click on the project in the navigator view and select Team > Share Project...
  5. Select SVN and press Next >
  6. Select the existing repository location (i.e. the one you added using the SVN Repository Exploring). Press Next > and take the defaults.
  7. Now when you right-click on the project in the navigator view and select Team you will see all of the SVN operations.

If your repository is on a remote system (e.g. a Linux VM) then the URL will be svn://hostname/repository where hostname is the name or IP address of your remote host and repository is the name of your repository.

How do I install support for Subversion (SVN) in Eclipse or isCOBOL IDE?

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