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Long time to restore minimized application

You may experience a slow response time in a scenario like the following: The application works well as long as the user is busy with it. The user lets the application sit idle while they do other things. When this user clicks on the... Read More

How can I improve the startup time?

Our documentation provides some information and guidelines about this argument. Please check the following topics starting from 'isCOBOL Evolve-> Appendices-> Performance Tuning'. Please also consider that the class loading time is a small... Read More

How can I improve the startup time?

Our documentation provides some information and guidelines about this argument. Please check the following topics starting from 'isCOBOL Evolve-> Appendices-> Performance Tuning'. Please also consider that the class loading time is a small... Read More

How can I optimize the strings management?

Operations on alphanumeric items, such as INSPECT and UNSTRING, can be optimized by compiling the COBOL program with -b option. This option causes isCOBOL to handle the data item using a byte array instead of an object, causing the string management... Read More

Does Veryant have any performance benchmarks for isCOBOL?

Performance is a point that is always relevant and important when considering moving to isCOBOL. Veryant takes performance issues very seriously and quickly reacts by either correcting the products or finding a solution that is acceptable to the... Read More