When doing multithread programming, it is a best practice that a program should not finish its processing until all of its threads are finished as well. In this article we provide a sample logic of how to check that all the threads started by a... Read More
isCOBOL General
There is an example that uses SMTP email in our sample programs, %ISCOBOL%sampleis-javaiscobol-uses-java-objectothersmailSENDMAIL.cbl This sample uses the JavaMail API to send SMTP emails from a COBOL program, first connecting to the SMTP,... Read More
It is possible to define a single or group data item based on the definition of one defined previously. Use this to make sure that data items with a similar purpose have the same structure. The SAME AS clause is what makes this possible. ... Read More
It is so desirable to create a simple or complex type definition that may be consistently and easily reused with other variables without having to copy paste the contents of the original one. The TYPEDEF clause in the data description is the... Read More
In this kb we would like to clarify some aspects of Activating and Check the isCOBOL License. The iscobol.properties file has two main usages, as a license file and as configuration file. As a license file, it could be in different location which we&... Read More
The START I/O statement allows you the use of the WHILE LIKE clause. With this clause it is possible to search records that match a regular expression pattern. With regular expressions, the possibilities of patterns to be used for search are... Read More
This document is based on Linux version Centos7 and windows client with isCOBOL release 2017 R2 build#910.8-20170925-24471 and IDE version #135_8. Section 1. Setup the Server GIT is packaged with CentOS 7. What most internet docs do not inform you... Read More
Question: I have indexed files from my legacy application and want to migrate them to either isCOBOL JISAM or c-treeRTG. What are my options for doing this? Answer: There are two basic ways to migrate files to an isCOBOL ISAM file... Read More
isCOBOL Server can be configured to encrypt the data transmitted on the TCP/IP connection. isCOBOL Server relies on JSSE (JavaTM Secure Socket Extension) for communication. In the Sun/Oracle version you need to also get the JCE (JavaTM Cryptography... Read More
This error is usually returned by javaw.exe on Windows It means that the class has been found but there were problems while running it, for example if the license is missing. Use java.exe to see a more complex error message that will help in... Read More