To solve this problem you can normally read the line-sequential file, then before using the contents of the record you can call a specific java function for the translation. Attached below is a Cobol sample program that reads a file created with... Read More
isCOBOL General
Let's see how to do so. From the isCOBOL IDE: 1. Click on the screen title bar to see the list of the properties in the 'Properties' view. 2. Choose the 'background image' in the prop erties' list 3. Click on 'image file... Read More
In the 2016 R1 release, isCOBOL added the ability to configure attributes of a program-generated PDF file. To set the default attributes for PDF prints in your programs, use the configuration variables that start with "iscobol.print.attribute". For... Read More
Question: What work is necessary to use Flexus COBOL sp2? Has it been tested? Answer: Yes, this has been tested and a customer application with GUI calls to SP2 functions has successfully run with isCOBOL. Set... Read More
Question: What are the basic differences between JISAM and c-treeRTG? What are the guidelines for choosing between them? Answer: Here are the benefits of each: Veryant JISAM isCOBOL Evolve supplies a high capacity, client/server, indexed ISAM... Read More
You can choose which file status codes you want to use by setting the iscobol.file.status runtime framework property iscobol.file.status This property specifies which file status codes to use. Set it to one of the following values: com... Read More
Question: I'd like to be able to step debug through COBOL source into a call to Java and have a Java debugger pop-up or attach and allow me to step through the Java source. How can I currently do that? Also, is there a way to step from a... Read More
Question: With other COBOLs I can specify a configuration file on the command line and runtime configuration variables in the environment. How do I accomplish this with isCOBOL? Answer: You can specify a properties file on the command line as... Read More
Question: How can I secure the code generated by isCOBOL so that it cannot be decompiled? Do you provide a Java code obfuscator? If not, then which one do you recommend and how do I use it with the isCOBOL compiler? Answer: The Java... Read More
Question: Suppose my program controls Microsoft Word to do a Mail Merge. How do I do this with isCOBOL? Answer: To control Microsoft Word or to perform OLE automation, isCOBOL requires a third-party... Read More