You can make this using the property BORDER-COLOR in all controls with borders. This property, supported on all controls that have the border when BOXED style is set. It supports all cobol color values and also RGB colors. The following example... Read More
User Interface
When a Grid resource (row, column or cell) has to be protected from editing, it's normal practice to 1. assign an event procedure to the Grid (if not yet available), 2. insert the handling of the MSG-BEGIN-ENTRY event, 3. check if the X/Y... Read More
To make this you can use the label control with the title in an HTML code. For example string '<html><img src="file:' delimited by size path-gif delimited by trailing space '"></img><... Read More
With isCOBOL it is possible to set a different default color for the read-only entry-fields through the framework property: iscobol.gui.entryfield.read_only_color=value It can be set to a single value in order to specify a combined color or to two... Read More
The grid allows you to sort dates when the SORTABLE-COLUMN style is set. You have to specify the date-format for the column using DATA-TYPES property. e.g. DATA-TYPES ("D,yyyy-MM-dd") Read More
Please add the style No-Msg-Before-Navigate to your web-browser control.. This style prevents the generation of the MSG-BEFORE-NAVIGATE event and it is useful in that cases: - the web site that you’re navigating must send data thru POST (e.g. a... Read More
Starting from the version 2015 R1 it has been implemented the new compiler option: -cnlz Leading zeros are shown when numeric data items are displayed on a character based screen. that covers this kind of behavior. Read More
Trough the action property set to the action-current-page value, you can empty the grid of any data except for column headers and generate the grid's PAGED-NEXT event. If you position a data file using the START statement before performing this... Read More
Since double click on grid cells make you edit the cell value, the event returned for double click is MSG-BEGIN-ENTRY. During this event, you can inquire the ENTRY-REASON property in order to distinguish if double click used to edit the cell. if... Read More
The ability to pop up a list of possible values while the user is editing an EntryField is possible using the PROPOSAL properties of the entry-field control. In attachment a complete test program that show this particular functionality. Read More