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 User Interface

How to add helpful options to the Status-Bar control

There are some user-friendly options that are often displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the screen. These include whether the caps lock, num lock, and insert mode keys are on or off, as well as the current date and time. isCOBOL's... Read More

Does isCOBOL provide Graph modules to show statistics?

We suggest using one of the many Java Beans packages for graphing and other statistics tools. isCOBOL's sample program ISCONTROLSET is our demo showing the GUI capabilities of each control in the isCOBOL control set. It also demonstrates using... Read More

Does isCOBOL provide GUI design support?

Yes! It's easy to design and generate fully graphical screen programs using the WYSIWYG Screen editor in the isCOBOL IDE. The IDE includes several other content editors make your GUI screen design problem free; for example, there are graphical... Read More

iscobol.font.default and DEFAULT-FONT

When a program requests DEFAULT-FONT... Use the value of iscobol.font.default if it is set If iscobol.font.default is not set then use the value of iscobol.font.medium if it is set If neither iscobol.font.default nor iscobol.font.medium are set... Read More

How do I center a window on the desktop?

To center a window use W$CENTER_WINDOW. Pass the window handle to this library to center the window on the current screen: call "W$CENTER-WINDOW" using windowHandle You can also pass the screen index to center your screen on a different... Read More

Modernize your character application

This guide discusses the modernization process of a legacy COBOL application with character-based user interface. It demonstrates the necessary steps to transform the character-based user interface into a graphical user interface. The code... Read More

How to use font-based icons in isCOBOL GUI programs

When your GUI application is going to need a large variety of different bitmaps for any kind of GUI control that accepts a bitmap for its icon, you can use font-based bitmaps instead of trying to get different images for each control. Bitmap fonts... Read More

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